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Avenue Q Pre-Show Dinner

  • January 05, 2019
  • 5:30 PM - 6:50 PM (PST)
  • Hayes Valley
  • 2


Registration is closed

A dinner prior to the NCTC performance of Avenue Q is being organized by Paul Munro.  The dinner will be at a nearby Hayes Valley restaurant (a 5 to 10 minute walk from the theatre).

Space is limited!  Registration and deposit required to join us for this pre-show dinner.

Email to get the registration code to reserve a spot to join us for this pre-show dinner!

To ensure an accurate headcount, we're asking for a $25 deposit towards the cost of your meal.  Email Paul Munro for complete details.

For MAX events that feature alcohol, we strongly encourage you to take public transportation, a cab/Uber/Lyft, walk, or have a designated driver. Please drink responsibly.

584 Castro Street #672
San Francisco, CA 94114

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